
Monday, June 9, 2014

The ending of #acpgoestokindergarten

Well, we have a 1st grader. It's insane. This school year went by so quickly! How did this happen?
June 6th was Addie's last day of kindergarten. We have been so incredibly blessed with an AMAZING teacher & an awesome group of classmates. I am very sad that they all can't stay together.....but I know many awesome adventures wait ahead for ACP.

Mrs. Patton was an answered prayer. Over the summe, I stressed & stressed about ACP's kindergarten experience & whether she would get the "right" teacher. Then I realized I needed to pray & pray for the person that would love my baby & who would make her kindergarten experience the best. All the other things, I could do. Our prayers were answered with Mrs. Patton. She really loved our baby girl & was amazing with her. We will forever be grateful for her.

I'm not gonna lie, I was totally terrified that I would break out into an "ugly Oprah cry" as this program took place. I must admit that I did get a bit teary eyed - but I kept it together.

I am AMAZED at how much Addie has changed since the 1st and last days of school. This is just not possible & I am covinced that this changed didn't take place. Like.....can't be true!

Here are some pictures from her big day! 

Addie Claire, Mommy & Daddy can not believe that you are a 1st grader. You are one amazing kiddo. You have shocked up with you eagerness to learn & excel. You are a hard worker, you have the sweetest spirit I have ever seen, and your heart is so full of love for everyone. You came into this world almost six years ago & you have made our world so much better. When God chose you to be ours.....we never knew what joy you would bring us. I pray that you always work hard, trust, and love with all of your heart. But most of all, I hope you always know how much we love and adore you! Congrats on an awesome accomplishment. I am pretty sure I won't be able to hold the tears back when you graduate high school.. Time....please slow down!

We love you Addison Claire!

Mommy & Daddy 

It's been a while..... happens & I get so busy that I only think about writing on the blog.....and I never actually take the time to do it. I've gotta change this.

Since Spring Break, we have been in total over drive getting ready for school to end. My kid is going to be a first grader!!!! How does that happen? Wasn't it just yesterday I was a hot, crying mess as we sent her into her kindergarten classroom for the first time.

She graduates this coming Friday & I swear I will update with all the details!

So I'll  do a "quick" recap of our life.

The second week of April we started helping my very best friend, Ashley & her family move out of her childhood home. It was an adventure for sure. As always, we can make a sticky situation into a fun-filled, hilarious one in seconds.
That house was filled with lots of memories that we made & it's really where out life-long friendship began. As sad as it was to drive out of that driveway for the last time, I am so excited to be a part of their new journey.

Here are some pictures:

My sweet friend Chaley had her baby Tenley Beth on April 17th. It was so exciting to finally meet her. She had a rough start into the world, but that little girl is a fighter and is doing so good now!

Easter was awesome. It was filled with lots of great memories. We dyed Easter eggs with The Kurosakis - which must become a tradition! The Easter Bunny was awesome to Adds. Most importantly though, it was a great day to reflect and celebrate the reason for Easter.

On April 21st, I got to sit in the room with my best friend while we found out that I am going to be the Aunt to another sweet baby GIRL! Audrey Brooke with make her arrival in September & this Ica the Aunt is beyond excited!!!

On April 25th, Don & I went with Addie on her very first field trip! We went to Family Farm for a day of Fun! She had a blast & even caught a fish. The best part of her day was getting to ride the school bus!

On the 25th I also attended, with some pretty awesome people, the Jennie Allen conference. To say it was AMAZING would be an understatement. If you haven't heard of her....or read any of her books. You've gotta check her out! Life changing.....for real!!!
Before we got to the event, Callie & I stopped by ACH to get some Tenley Beth lovings!

With the nice weather we have played a lot & Addie has had lots of fun with her friends!!!

We took the kiddos to Disney on Ice on May 9th! The girls & Andrew enjoyed it a ton! They were so cute to watch! We kept it a surprise from them until right before we went. Aunt Ashley told them a story about the princesses & they were pumped!!!

Andrew & Uncle Don have birthdays that are very close together. So we celebrated them on May 10th!

We have been busy - but we have managed to spend a lot of time with our friends! We wouldn't trade those days for anything!

I'll leave you with a picture from today of my ACP! Did I say that I was completely blown away with how big she has gotten? She is such an amazing kiddo & Don and I are blessed to be her parents!
